University of Durham |
Ridvan Ergun
Advanced multifunctional nanowire network devices |
University of Durham |
Alejandro Galan |
Nanowire application: Fabrication and functional analisys for industrial scale-up |
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Wonjong Kim |
Scaling-up nanowire devices: a systematic approach for testing and operation |
Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems |
Aswathi Sivan |
Carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanowires |
Istituto Officina dei Materiali |
Timur Nurmamytov |
Growth of ordered NW arrays containing magnetic inserts |
University of Copenhagen |
Sabbir Ahmed Khan |
As-grown epitaxial nanowire networks for scaling quantum computing |
Lappeenranta Institute of Technology |
Vasilii Kaliteevskii |
Conceptual design of products and technologies based on nano-elements |
Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology |
Anton Pishchagin |
Growth of advanced functional heterostructures in III-V nanowires |
Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du numérique |
Nemanja Peric |
Charge injection in semiconductor nanowires |
Université Paris-Sud |
Nuño Amador |
Flexible nanowire-based light emitter |
Lunds University |
Egor Leshchenko |
Thermodynamics for nanostructures formation |
University of Newcastle |
Pablo Rojas Martinez |
Self-assembly of Molecular-based Nanowires |
The University of Liverpool |
Manuel Apollo |
Solar photovoltaics from II-VI nanowire materials |
Innolume GmbH |
Innolum ESR |
Lasers, sources of single photons and entangled photon pairs based on “quantum dot in nanowire system" |
Imina Technologies |
Michal Smreczak |
Scaling-up nanowire devices: Design of a robotic platform for the advanced and systematic volume testing of nanowire device |