Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design: INDEED

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  • PragmatIC news

    INDEED associated partner PragmatIC is one of the finalists for the Royal Academy of Eng…

    Added about 3 years ago.

  • 10th SB and Final meeting

    10th Supervisory Board and Final meeting 15th July 2021 14.00-15.00 BST IN…

    Added about 3 years ago.

  • Dr Aswathi Sivan

    Congratulations Dr Aswathi Sivan! Well done, keep going and many successful projects!

    Added about 4 years ago.

The INDEED network is a €4 million Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions– Innovative Training Network (ITN) – project funded by the European Commission, under the H2020 program and coordinated by Durham University. INDEED is a consortium of 11 Universities and 2 industrial companies, together with 13 associate industry partners across Europe.

The main scientific objective is to translate semiconductor nanowire (NW) technology concepts into market-ready products. As such, the scientific programme is directed towards customer-oriented R&D and exploits innovative industrial design techniques to ensure rapid translation of the basic technologies into commercial devices.